Monday, May 4, 2009

If only I had 8 treadmills

The song "Here it Goes Again" by OK go has been a favorite of mine for a while but what really made me think of it today was because I was thinking of "first dance" songs for me and the Mr. I can dance because luckily the black side of me contributed enough to give me rhythm. The Mr. on the other hand is stereotypically white- he even claps off beat, and I really just hate dancing with him. Yes, I said hate. I love love to dance, but it becomes a chore to do it with him. I've tried working with him before but nothing ever improves so I have come to the conclusion that for our first dance we either:
a) don't do a dance which is a high high probability;
b) use someone else to dance with which is a not going to happen even though I've gotten offers because the first dance is supposed to be with me and the Mr. I may not agree with half of the wedding hoopla in the industry but that is one I subscribe to. Other dances, yes or maybe, but not the first dance; or
c) pick a song and dance that has a non-traditional way of dancing. And with that choice comes this song, this video, and this dance. I would jump at doing it in a heartbeat and I already know at least 6 people I could count on to do it with me even though all I need are 2. Plus, the Mr. agrees that it would be pretty awesome. Too bad Rock the Reception isn't on anymore because that would have been awesome to do. I wonder how I would get 8 treadmills on my own anyway, and what reception site would actually let me do it? Hmmmmm......

What type of dancing are you doing for your first?

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